Jan 25, 2019
On this episode we're recapping our LA and Hollywood Improv trip, how Jess almost burnt the house down last night, and how to eat 4 hostess cupcakes on your way home from picking up 5 rolled tacos with guacamole and cheese at 10PM from Baldo’s, one of the favorite 24 hour mexican food spots here in Vacaville …then throwing the hostess cupcake wrappers out the window on the way home to hide the evidence…that takes talent ladies and gentleman…and a lot of stupidity….My names Shane and I’m recovery for a 17 year hostess addiction…Were also going to answer and discuss a few questions and comments from you guys out there as we are live on Instagram.
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Connect with us on instagram @realthatsoberguy and @shaneramer on twitter
Heroes in Recovery is here to break the stigma surrounding substance use and mental health issues and help more people start and strengthen their recovery. Do you have a story? If you do, you can help bring truth and hope into the spotlight by sharing it with Heres in Recovery.
To learn more you can go to heroesinrecovery.com/soberguy or call 833-81-SOBER, thats 833-81-SOBER
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Humans Music (Show Intro)